Sunday, September 9, 2007

Coming Home

After a two year hiatus, I've decided to start blogging again. I'm not sure how often I'll write, because of circumstances which I will describe in detail later. But I've decided to come back to Blogspot, largely in part due to me feeling inspired by Lydia, Brian, and Jodi, all of which are extremely eloquent folks. I can never hope to sound like them, but perhaps it's time to document some of my life again. I started blogging first on April 13, 2002 with Blogspot, then meandered my way through to Live Journal, and Xanga, which was quite the fad for a while with subscriptions and what not. But I've definitely come full circle now, returning to my first.... blog site.

It feels as if I've come full circle with many other aspects of my life, now that I've moved home. Two years ago about this time, I attended Shanta's Wedding while beginning my TFA career. Now that I've finished that tumultuous journey, I will see many of the same people at Amy's wedding in two weeks. And that reminds me... ANOTHER one of my friends are getting hitched. It's been consistently one to three weddings each year I've attended since my college graduation. Wonder when it'll be my turn --- not that I'm in a hurry or anything :)


Lydia said...

OMG. You're blogging b/c you're in a relationship!!! Kenny was in a dream of mine last night, it was wierd. We'll chat more about it later.

Anna said...

glad to see you blogging again