Thursday, October 4, 2007

Britney's Life Sucks

It's unfathomable to me that a mother's rights to her children are taken away.


Lydia said...

don't get me started on the state's right to take away kids. only now that some famous pop singer is getting her kids away do people start to think critically about whose kids the state takes away and for what reason. families of color and poor families are incredibly overrepresented in foster care nation wide- parents are getting their legal rights to their children terminated PERMANENTLY. And honestly, sometimes for good reason. And Brit and other parents who get their kids taken away actually have the same exact issue in common: drugs. But thankfully for Brit, she has all the money in the world to take care of herself.

but it's a necessary evil. some parents aren't capable of being parents.

veronica said...

dude, you need to update your blog...